Affordable Vintage Rugs

Would you like to purchase a vintage rug that's beautiful but affordable?

Vintage rugs look incredible in all kinds of homes but, unfortunately, they often come with a several thousand dollar price tag. But at Curio Rugs, we offer a great selection of affordable vintage rugs that won't take a huge chunk out of your bank account! Our vintage rugs will offer your house a high level of class and beauty without you having to pay an exorbitant amount of money for them.

Our affordable vintage rugs are handmade using traditions that began centuries ago in Turkey and Perisa. These vintage rugs are available in all different sizes, colors and patterns to suit just about any space. Go ahead and browse through them until you find one that calls out to you!

Vintage Designer Rugs at Fair Prices

Do you want to buy a gorgeous vintage rug at a bargain price? Then you've come to the right place. We have a huge selection of fairly priced vintage rugs that look spectacular in any home. Get in touch with Curio Rugs today if you're interested in purchasing any of our affordable vintage rugs for your home!

Affordable Vintage Rugs For Sale